IAEE’s Art of the Show Competition celebrates outstanding promotion of exhibitions and events in 15 categories, including Attendance Promotion Brochure and Attendance Promotion Campaign. These elements comprise a well-rounded marketing plan, but what makes them so effective? IAEE asked its competition judges this question and offers these pointers:

Attendance Promotion Brochure (single piece)
A single brochure used to promote attendance at an exhibition. Judges take into consideration creativity, clarity of message, graphic design, layout and copy.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Know your audience. From the imagery you choose to the content delivery, you want the reader to think, “Yes, this speaks to me!” Understanding what information your target audience needs and wants is key to capturing its attention. Ignoring this step is the marketing equivalent to “taking a knife to a gunfight.”
  • Less is more. Draw the reader’s attention by keeping your message clear and concise. Leave the powerful prose and artful alliteration to the poets – you are on a mission to draw attendees to your exhibition! Focus is fleeting these days, so choose your content wisely.
  • Include a call to action. You’ve hooked in your reader, now what? Give them a reason to act immediately and tell them exactly how to do it! Make it as easy as possible for your potential attendees to secure their spot at your exhibition because you know your audience and you know how to satisfy their follow up questions and needs.

2014 Attendance Promotion Brochure

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Attendance Promotion Campaign (multiple pieces)
A series of collateral materials making up an advertising campaign and used to promote attendance at an exhibition. Judges take into consideration creativity, clarity of message, graphic design, layout and copy.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Consistency is key. The branding for your exhibition should be undeniably clear throughout the campaign. It may take on several shapes and forms depending on the piece for which it’s being used, but there should never be any question as to who is producing it.
  • Determine the purpose of each piece. Registration brochure, website, target email, social media messaging… each component of your campaign has its own role in the process and its own level of effectiveness. Tailor your content accordingly to make the most of each opportunity.
  • Include a call to action in every Yes, it’s that important.

2014 Attendance Promotion Campaign Winners

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Do you have great marketing collateral the world should see? Show off your Art of the Show by entering IAEE’s Art of the Show Competition! Click here to get started. See the full gallery of last year’s winners here.

Stay tuned for Insider Tip #2: Brand Design/Development and Convention Center Promotion

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