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IAEE Member Spotlight on Shauna Peters, CEM

Read the IAEE Member Spotlight on Shauna Peters, CEM, of Mdg, a Freeman Company and member of the DC Chapter!

Shauna Peters, CEM, VP, Strategic Account Management, of Mdg, a Freeman Company

Hometown: Fairfax, VA
University of Education: University of Virginia
How long have you been an IAEE member? 18 years
IAEE Chapter: DC

How did you start your career in this industry?

Like many people in this industry, I fell into it. In seeking a marketing job out of college, I found one at a show management company, before I even knew what trade shows and events were. But like so many people in our industry, I fell in love with events and the rest, as they say, is history!

How has IAEE shaped your career?

IAEE has been a constant throughout my career. Across companies and roles. It has been a source of knowledge and resources to help support my clients. And it has created connections to mentors, future bosses, colleagues and friends.

What advice would you give to a new member?

IAEE has so much to offer that it can be overwhelming when you are new. Pick an area you are most interested in, whether it’s your local chapter or a specific committee or task force to get involved in as a place to start. And when you have a question, IAEE MemberLink is a great place to turn to crowdsource the answer.

What would you say is the #1 IAEE member benefit?

Networking! Our industry is so interconnected and one of the best ways to meet and get to know everyone is through IAEE. Whether it’s in person at Expo! Expo! or niche events like the Women’s Leadership Forum or online opportunities like the Community Buzz Hours or webinars, there are so many ways to connect with people across the industry through IAEE.

How do you use CEIR research, and what reports have you downloaded?

CEIR research is extremely helpful to me and my team as our clients often ask how their events compare to industry benchmarks. The Attendee ROI Playbook series in particular provides insights into the attendee decision to attend that we are able to translate into marketing strategy for our clients. And the COVID-19 impact webinars and resources have helped us prepare our clients as we look to the future of events.

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