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IAEE Member Spotlight on Danielle Foisy FASE, CASE

Read the IAEE Member Spotlight on Danielle Foisy FASE, CASE, Director, Business Development & Industry Relations of Transportation Management Services, and member of the IAEE DC Chapter!

Danielle Foisy, FASE, CASE, Director, Business Development & Industry Relations, of Transportation Management Services

Hometown: Granby, Quebec
University of Education: Granby College
How long have you been an IAEE member? 4 years
IAEE Chapter: DC Chapter

How did you start your career in this industry?

Unlike many others, I didn’t get into it by accident! I did a 3-year college degree in Tourism and started my career in the hotel industry. My first hotel job was as a front desk clerk at the newly opened Delta Montreal and then had my first sales job with the Four Seasons Hotel in Montreal. Along the way I moved to the West Coast, worked with the Whistler CVB which led me to the Canadian Tourism Commission (now Destination Canada) and the moved to the United States. I’ve been in the DC area since 2000.

How has IAEE shaped your career?

IAEE is fairly “new” to me relative to the number of years I have been in the industry (over 30 – yikes!!) As a transportation management company, we work primarily with larger shows and events and IAEE’s MATSO (Major American Trade Show Organizers) is a perfect fit for us, allowing us the opportunity to be front and center as a sponsor. I would not have built the network I have without participating in Industry organizations, attended sessions or joined a committee!

What advice would you give to a new member?

It’s basic but get to the most of your membership: participate and get involved in any way you can. Volunteering on a committee doesn’t mean it’s a second full-time job – talk to other volunteer members and find the best fit for you. My other piece of advice is Listen! You’ll be amaze how much you can learn.

Fun fact about you – What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

I was born and raised in Quebec, Canada (near Montreal) and French is my first language. The accent gets a little stronger after a glass of wine (or two) and the question I get most often about this is: do you dream in French or English? The Answer: both, just depends who I’m talking to.

What do you like most about your chapter?

What I like the most is the camaraderie and networking. Interestingly before I moved here, I thought it would be intimidating and hard to get to know people. But the reality is, we’ve all been the “new” one in the room and we all strive to make everyone feel welcome. I like the there is a casualness to the monthly event (in person prior to virtual events) and that we all mingle together, whether we are competitors (suppliers) or not.

What would you say is the #1 IAEE member benefit?

Education & Research

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